Player Interviews

At Wythenshawe Renegades, every player has a unique story. Our player interviews showcase the personal journeys and achievements of our dedicated participants. From overcoming challenges to celebrating successes, these interviews give a glimpse into the lives of those who make our community special.

Gary: Team Number 25

I play walking football for my health and mental well-being. Before I started walking football, I would rarely leave the house, and the friendships I've made since playing, have helped me enormously.

Wendy : Team Number 29

Walking football enables me to continue playing the game I love. It's a fantastic way to stay fit and enjoy the benefits of being part of a team, and the support and friendship that this brings.

I also can't emphasise enough how important it's been to find a space where I can switch off from grief, having recently been widowed.

Lucy: Team number 11

Recovering from emotional issues that had me housebound and not motivated to get outside, walking football has helped me find a path to overcoming the difficulties I faced. Fantastic social atmosphere in the team.

Allison: (Recent new player and Player of the Match winner.)

I am totally blown away by everybody's guidance, patience, kindness and friendship. Never in a million years, did I ever think I would be playing football, (albeit walking,) and enjoying it!

What a fantastic group of people you all are, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me feel so welcome.

Paul: Number 45

I started walking football because I can't play running football anymore due to an ankle injury. I am a depression sufferer and just stopping football, cold turkey would cause me to spiral. So I asked Gary, who I have known for years.

I know we have all had struggles, so playing is good for my brain, and I'm not a bad player so maybe it can motivate or encourage others.

Sarah: Number 27


Derek: Number 1

I played a lot of regular

football in my younger

years, but knee injuries

ended this. Walking football

opened out new opportunities

for both football and friendship.


Darren Number 8

I've been playing football for a good

number of years, the benefits I get out of it:

good exercise, well being, and I've met

many people while playing the sport

who have made me very welcome.


After a 3-year layoff from sport, I joined

the Renegades, struggled at first with injuries, but now I have got my fitness and strength back. I was surprised how much I've taken to walking football, it's a very tactical and skilful game, and I look forward to the next game the second I've finished the last. I've met some real characters who I now call friends.